strategic media, content & platforms


communications strategy + management

executive + government communications

narrative development

long + short form policy/business content

strategic media, content and platforms, inc. — is a non-partisan communications strategy, management, and content creation consultancy founded in 2006 by Gordon Hensley, a former national GOP campaign strategist with a diverse Capitol Hill, federal agency (HHS) and corporate advocacy background.

Originally a political consulting firm specializing in U.S. senate and gubernatorial campaigns (Strategic Media, Inc.), the private sector-oriented DC-based boutique collaborates with government relations firms and a variety of private and public sector entities seeking proven, value-added expertise, insight and capacity on high stakes business, policy and messaging battles.

In government, the private sector and numerous senate, gubernatorial and presidential campaigns, Hensley has specialized in developing and executing communications strategy, leading and managing major policy and speech writing projects, narrative development, long and short form advocacy content, and packaging data/research for media/public domain use.

The firm’s primary policy focus the past decade centers around the U.S. pharmaceutical, post-acute, and long-term care sectors. More recent areas of involvement are biotech start-ups, private equity-driven healthcare innovation, federal cannabis banking reform, and FDA/Capitol Hill study of psychedelics to treat PTSD.      

Communications Expertise

D.C. + National Strategy/Management

State Media Newsmaking

Writing/Content Strategy

Research/Data Packaging


Kieran Mahoney

“Gordon Hensley is a pro’s pro – smart, fast and great judgment. His political and public policy writing is second to none and can be counted on to deliver as promised.”

Kieran Mahoney
CEO and Founding Partner, Mercury Public Affairs

Doug Goodyear

“Gordon Hensley is a rare combination: He’s a superb strategic thinker, messaging expert, and writer. He’s also an exceptionally hard worker and consummate professional who adds real value to every team he’s on.”

Doug Goodyear
Founding Partner/Fmr CEO, DCI Group

Managing Partner - PR TX

“He absorbs research, and quickly figures out how to go on the offensive by engaging opponents with facts and data.”

Managing Partner
Austin, TX-based lobbying and law firm

Mari Maseng Will

“Gordon is a rare writing talent. His abilities are especially rare in public affairs because he sees the world differently — outside the box of convention — and brings that inspiration to bear in prose that is not only memorable but also elegant and clear.”

Mari Maseng Will
President, Maseng Communications

Dan Mendelson

“Gordon Hensley is a special and rare commodity. He understands that substance is what sells in the media and he knows how to make that content sing.  His knowledge of the rhythms of the media, combined with our depth of content, produced great results.”

Dan Mendelson
Founder/Fmr CEO, Avalere Health

Managing Director - PR NYC

“Hensley’s diverse writing chops, attention to detail, low maintenance style, and ability to lead in a team environment is impressive.”

Managing Director
NYC-Based Public Relations Firm

Admiral Brett E. Giroir

“Gordon Hensley is an incredibly skilled and savvy communications strategist who helped me prepare for non-stop media interviews… His advice about clear messaging and clairvoyant anticipation of “gotcha” questions positively transformed my ability to provide clear communications to the American people.”

Admiral Brett P. Giroir
Fmr Covid “Testing Czar” and HHS Asst. Health Sec.