New Yorkers on Pataki’s 12 Years as Governor: 66% Say He’s Been “Somewhat/Mostly Successful”

As Governor George Pataki’s last legislative session draws to a close, we kicked around an idea at to see how New Yorkers viewed Pataki’s 12 years as Governor.

In addition to the previously reported question regarding which U.S. Senator is more effective, Chuck Schumer or Hillary Clinton, we also asked our polling partner, Siena, to check out the following question: “How would you rank George Pataki’s twelve years as Governor?”

The four choices provided were, mostly successful, somewhat successful, somewhat unsuccessful and mostly unsuccessful.

The results of the 6/12-14 Empirepage/Siena poll (623 RV’s; +/- 3.9%) are quite interesting in that 66% say Pataki has been mostly/somewhat successful while 32% say mostly/somewhat unsuccessful.

Specifically, 19% said mostly successful, 47% said somewhat successful, 17% said somewhat unsuccessful and 15% said mostly unsuccessful. 3% didn’t know, or expressed no opinion.

Among Republicans, the results were (in same order as above) 25/54/10/10.

Among Dems, the results were 14/42/20/22.

Among Independents/Other, the results were 19/51/20/8.

In NYC, the results were 16/40/23/17.

In NYC suburbs, the results were 25/51/9/12.

Upstate, it was 17/50/16/15.

Among whites: 19/48/18/14.

Among African-Americans: 15/43/9/32.

Among Latinos: 18/18/36/27.

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